Neither I, nor my bot, can get onto battle net for an unspecified amount of time. I'm getting the error, "Unable to Connect to Battle.Net. You may be trying to connect to an invalid server, or manual router etc etc bullshit." This indicates temporary restrictions for that server, put in place for any number of possible reasons. My reason is that 2 entities are connecting to battle net on the same ip address. Namely my bot and myself. This restriction may last another 12 minutes or another 12 hours or 2 weeks for all I know. All I know is that Battle Net is really starting to piss me off. It is the most restrictive, player hating online gaming platform I've ever played on, and if they don't stop giving me shit for stuff that is completely arbitrary to playing a game, I'm going to quit. And then send them hate letters telling them they need to quit sucking a dick down at Blizzard HQ, and learn how to provide a decent online gaming service. I'll try again to reset my connection with ip and such, since that's how the restrictions work, but I make no promises.